Lent Daily Readings
Friday of the First Week of Lent – March 14, 2025
Gospel: Matthew 5:20-26
Reflection: Jesus calls us to reconcile with others. Lent is a time to let go of grudges and seek peace.
Prayer: Lord, help me to forgive as You have forgiven me. Amen.
Reflection: take a moment and reflect in today’s scripture
Saturday of the First Week of Lent – March 15, 2025
Gospel: Matthew 5:43-48
Reflection: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. This is the radical love of Christ.
Prayer: Jesus, teach me to love as You love, even when it is difficult. Amen.
Reflection: write down what this scripture tells you
The Upper Room
Today’s Devotional
The Upper Room exists to:
- offer resources that encourage daily spiritual practice
- call Christians to a life of living prayer
- create meaningful, transformational experiences and studies for individuals, small groups, and congregations
- help people grow deeper in love with God and neighbor
- support churches in becoming centers of prayer and spiritual formation
- inspire spiritual leaders to lead with a listening heart
- invite the “spiritually curious” to living waters
Our Vision:
To foster an international community of people and congregations who are seeking God, building a vision of new life in Christ, nurturing one another by sharing experiences of God’s love and guidance, and encouraging one another in Christian action to transform the world.
Our Core Scriptural Values:
- The Great Commandment – Matthew 22:37
- The Great Commitment – Matthew 16:24
- The Great Requirement – Micah 6:8
- The Great Commission – Matthew 28:19-20
- The Great Redemption – John 3:16
In our ministry and life together, we follow these values:
- Listening to God
- Focusing on People
- Celebrating with Thankfulness
- Valuing Diversity and Inclusion
- Working with Integrity
- Being a Trusted Partner
- Exercising Fiduciary Responsibility